At Andrew Sibbald School, we are committed to helping staff and students deepen their understanding of Indigenous cultures. Our school has made a commitment to acknowledging and supporting the TRC’s Calls to Action. Using the Wholistic Lifelong Learning Framework, we committed to the actions of building staff and student capacity for intercultural understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. We are committed to:
o Building our collective understanding through story by connecting with Elders & Indigenous people and through the use of picture books.
o Encouraging wholistic teaching and learning to thrive while learning from the land in our learning grounds and nearby Fish Creek Park.
o Creating a cultural space and documentation boards to honour the work and make public our commitment to truth and reconciliation.
All this week we have discussed the importance of Orange Shirt Day and the meaning or Truth and Reconciliation. On Tuesday we were a part of an online author presentation from Nicola Campbell. She read her book Shi-Shi-Etko, the story of a young girl about to leave her family for a residential school. Before she leave she gathers memories and items to remind her of her home. As a follow up activity students reflected on Shi-shi-etko's memory bag and consider their own comfort items and illustrated these items in their visual journal.
Success Criteria:
-I can write the title at the top of my page
-I can write the date
-I can draw a bag like the one shown
-I can draw and label at least 5 items in my memory bag
-I can draw and label at least 5 items in Shi-shi-etcho memory bag.
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