Good evening 2nd Grade crew families,

We hope everyone has had a great long weekend! Although we had a shorter week this week at school we sure were busy! 

We had an assembly this week to welcome our annual Big Brave at Andrew Sibbald. Students were sent home forms for their families to sign if they are participating in shaving, cutting or colouring their hair. Please make sure those forms are returned asap to your homeroom teachers.

Important date reminders:

May 11th Trickster Evening Performance

May 15th whole school photo

May 18th Grade 2 Field Trip to the Zoo

May 22 No School Victoria Day

May 26th BIG BRAVE

May 29th PD Day

This week we worked hard on our Social Studies unit.

Our learning intentions this week in Social Studies was:

I can find Acadian communities on a map of Canada.

I can identify the regions, landforms, and bodies of water in different communities.

I can understand how the geographic regions are different from where we live.

I can understand how the physical geography of each community shapes its identity.
