Happy Sunday 2nd Grade Crew families,
We sure hope you had a chance to enjoy this gorgeous weekend weather together! We have had a busy week in Grade 2.
We are heading in to a very busy few weeks ahead of us. Please keep an eye out for Big Brave information as well as more information regarding Trickster. Huge thank you to the families who helped participate in raising funds for our outdoor Gaga Ball pit.
Reminder that there is no school on May 5th as it is a PD day!
This week we continued to work on;
In Math: numeracy exploring numbers up to 1000, addition with regrouping and we had our first introduction into Financial literacy this week.
In Art: Earth day food colouring, coffee filter and dot painting as well as watercolour Spring flowers with directed drawn insects.
In Social Studies: Identifying Canada's provinces and territories as well as looking at maps (specifically introducing Meteghan).
In Gym: scoops and ball games.
In Literacy: writing stories focusing on a beginning, middle and ending as well as answering WH questions in our writing.
In Physical Education and Wellness our learning intentions this week were:
I can talk about what I notice about the coins and the bills.
I can describe what kind of pictures I see.
I can describe what kind of symbols I see.
I can ask questions about bills and coins.
I can explain what is my favourite coin and bill and the reasons why.
I think that is all for now, enjoy your shorter week ahead!
Ms. Craik and Ms. Chen
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